visual design

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Decisions, Decisions or Making Photographs

“Making photographs, which we often call “taking”, is an intentional act of putting together too many decisions to name, each of them changing the experience of the photograph itself. The best of them, the ones with which we resonate, are made.” David duChemin said that in his book ‘Start ...

Pillars & Posts

The posts are pretty obvious. The ‘pillars’ are the two people in the distance. We, the pillars and I, have been walking around the neighbourhood on a fairly regular basis of late. They generally leave me to my photographic endeavours when we are out. I’ll stop in places to take a shot and they will ...


I like the snow. Winter storms hold almost as much allure as the warm weather variety. Upon close inspection, the individual precipitation pieces are more intricate and visually appealing in the frozen rendering. The snow also puts a hush over things that I find calming. As a visual construct, all the white that accompanies ...

Geometry or Anything and the Sky

“I see dead people…they’re everywhere.” That line, from M. Night’s ‘Sixth Sense’, is often how I feel about how I see things visually. But it isn’t the folks who have shuffled off this mortal coil who occupy my vision, its geometric shapes – circles, rectangles, triangles and lines. It wasn’t always there. At first, it ...