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It’s been a busy few weeks. We had an eclipse on April 8th (a full eclipse for these parts) and everyone hustled to get their shots. There are some amazing images from that day. As fate, and an untimely kidney stone, would have it, I couldn’t attend the event the way I had planned. So ...

Decisions, Decisions or Making Photographs

“Making photographs, which we often call “taking”, is an intentional act of putting together too many decisions to name, each of them changing the experience of the photograph itself. The best of them, the ones with which we resonate, are made.” David duChemin said that in his book ‘Start ...

New Year, new outlooks and staying busy

Welcome to 2021! Can you handle it? The beauty in photography, or one of them for me at least, is that it provides an outlet. It also occupies the mind and can go a long way toward staying in the moment. When my wife was dealing with her cancers, I’d lean on photography as a ...


I like the snow. Winter storms hold almost as much allure as the warm weather variety. Upon close inspection, the individual precipitation pieces are more intricate and visually appealing in the frozen rendering. The snow also puts a hush over things that I find calming. As a visual construct, all the white that accompanies ...

The Turn

Late September and I really should be…shooting fall colours. The severe storms of summer are migrating south – ending a rather busy season (32 tornadoes in Ontario this summer). The autumn palette is being mixed as we speak (fire up the warm tones) and tonight we actually have our first frost warnings of fall. In ...

Been there, done that

Many are the times when I have taken an image of something and then been disappointed by the result.  When shooting with film was the norm, this sort of thing happened with (sadly) regularity for me.  It was during those film shooting days when I realized it would be good if I could revisit a ...