The Turn

Late September and I really should be…shooting fall colours. The severe storms of summer are migrating south – ending a rather busy season (32 tornadoes in Ontario this summer). The autumn palette is being mixed as we speak (fire up the warm tones) and tonight we actually have our first frost warnings of fall. In ...

Putting up borders

Abstract visual art often throws a lot of people.  Many say things like “I don’t get it”.  But if given a choice between two abstract pieces of art with the direction to ‘pick the one that has more appeal for you’, many will see one as more appealing than another.  They may not be able ...

A change would do you good

Sheryl Crow is who I associate that line with. I’m sure others have said similar; ‘a change is as good as a break’ is one that gets thrown around a lot. But, because a line sounds cliche doesn’t mean there isn’t value in there. After months of socially distancing, a change might be most welcome. ...

It’s been busy…

July 2020 has been a busy month for storms in Southern Ontario. The province averages 12-13 tornadoes a year and – to date – we have had 23.

Been there, done that

Many are the times when I have taken an image of something and then been disappointed by the result.  When shooting with film was the norm, this sort of thing happened with (sadly) regularity for me.  It was during those film shooting days when I realized it would be good if I could revisit a ...

What If

They say you shouldn’t dwell too much on ‘what-ifs’ but what if (see what I did there) we examined one for fun?  Like those ‘if you were stranded on a desert island with only one book or one song’ kind of ‘what-ifs’, what if you could only photograph one subject from now on; what would ...


The ability to construct things in our mind is one of our greatest assets we have as humans.  When we are children, our imagination often gets afforded the agency it deserves.  We warrant it to the degree it should be warranted and our parents and teachers point it out as a positive; ‘she has a ...