
You are currently browsing posts written by Alan.

What If

They say you shouldn’t dwell too much on ‘what-ifs’ but what if (see what I did there) we examined one for fun?  Like those ‘if you were stranded on a desert island with only one book or one song’ kind of ‘what-ifs’, what if you could only photograph one subject from now on; what would ...


The ability to construct things in our mind is one of our greatest assets we have as humans.  When we are children, our imagination often gets afforded the agency it deserves.  We warrant it to the degree it should be warranted and our parents and teachers point it out as a positive; ‘she has a ...


Most days never turn out like you expect. When it comes to chasing the light accompanying storms that couldn’t be truer. The weather, like much of life, rarely turns out exactly as forecasted. I’m not a meteorologist by any stretch and I am in awe of those who are – weather forecasting is like trying ...

Storm Light

Making photographs is, among a variety of things, a means to memorialize certain events; events that we personally deem worthy and will want to recall at some time in the future.  Photographs can also help show others what was happening at the event.  The photograph won’t quite capture the event as completely as ...

Geometry or Anything and the Sky

“I see dead people…they’re everywhere.” That line, from M. Night’s ‘Sixth Sense’, is often how I feel about how I see things visually. But it isn’t the folks who have shuffled off this mortal coil who occupy my vision, its geometric shapes – circles, rectangles, triangles and lines. It wasn’t always there. At first, it ...


That’s the the bay of Cassis, France. It’s a beautiful area. The geography of the place is dynamic, with fabulous ochre-coloured calanques – narrow, steep-walled inlets – that make for some wonderful scenery along the coast. I wanted to include this one in my Atmosphere images but it was shot with a ...


I’d like to wield some of that here. Take out the proverbial pen – now the keyboard, because I hear handwriting is going the way of the Dodo – and brandish it. And, unlike the Dodo, I wanna fly. I wanna fly my autonomous freak flag. Words and, where words fail, pictures. A picture is ...